Seminarmanagement for Government-funded Training

How Your Academy Can Benefit from Offering Government-Funded Training Programs

life class

Educational providers that wish to offer training programs funded by the German Federal Employment Agency or job centers must adhere to strict guidelines and certification requirements. These regulations ensure that only high-quality training programs that align with labor market objectives receive funding. For educational providers, this opens up significant opportunities: you can reach a broader audience and benefit from government funding programs.

We provide you with a comprehensive overview of the steps your academy needs to take to become certified to offer government-funded training programs.

Additionally, we show how specialized software solutions can simplify the approval process and significantly improve the training management of these programs.

1. Requirements for Educational Providers Offering Government-Funded Training

To offer government-funded training programs in Germany, educational providers must meet certain criteria. These requirements apply to both the institution offering the training and the specific content and organization of each program.

target group

Target Groups and Funding Models:

Various target groups can benefit from government-funded training programs, each covered by specific funding models:

    • Jobseekers: This is the largest group benefiting from funded training programs. They can receive education vouchers from the Federal Employment Agency or job centers to attend programs that improve their chances of returning to the labor market.
    • Career Changers: As Germany faces a shortage of skilled workers and structural changes in many industries, retraining is increasingly funded. These individuals often receive retraining vouchers.
    • Returners to Work: Individuals re-entering the workforce after a long absence (e.g., parental leave or caregiving) can also be eligible for specific funding programs aimed at supporting their professional reintegration.
    • Employees in SMEs (WeGebAU): The WeGebAU program (Continuing Education for Low-Skilled Employees in Companies) provides funding for employees in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to enhance their skills and increase their value to their employers.
    • Education Vouchers (§ 81 SGB III): The education voucher is the most well-known funding model for jobseekers. It covers the full costs of a training program deemed necessary for reintegration into the workforce.
    • Activation and Placement Vouchers (AVGS) (§ 45 SGB III): These vouchers finance programs that improve job prospects, such as job application training or career coaching.

Each of these funding models has specific conditions and requirements that educational providers must consider when planning and delivering their programs.


Certifications and Approvals under § 178 SGB III and AZAV:

To offer training programs that can be funded by the Federal Employment Agency or job centers, educational providers must obtain AZAV certification (Accreditation and Approval Regulation for Employment Promotion). This regulation governs the approval of both educational providers and the programs they offer.

    • Provider Approval: This certification ensures that the provider is a reliable institution, capable of successfully delivering educational programs. Providers must meet quality criteria, such as establishing a quality management system and ensuring financial and organizational stability.
    • Program Approval: Each training program must be individually approved to ensure it meets the requirements of SGB III (Social Code Book III). This process guarantees that the program offers relevant skills and content for improving participants' employment prospects.

Key Legal Foundations:

    • § 178 SGB III: Regulates the principles of funding for vocational training programs.
    • AZAV: A specific regulation outlining the approval process for providers and training programs.

2. Approval and Certification Process for Educational Providers

The AZAV approval process is strictly regulated to ensure that only qualified providers can offer government-funded programs. Here are the key steps:

a) Requirements for Provider Approval (AZAV)

The provider approval process evaluates the suitability of the entire educational institution. To obtain this certification, educational providers must demonstrate several qualifications:

  • Competence and Reliability (§ 2 Abs. 2 AZAV):
    The provider must be financially and organizationally capable of offering long-term training programs. This includes submitting financial documents that prove the provider has sufficient resources to operate, even if there are delays in receiving government funding.
  • Adequate Facilities (§ 2 Abs. 4 AZAV):
    The facilities where training programs are held must meet the technical and spatial requirements of the program. This includes having suitable classrooms, IT infrastructure, and, if applicable, specialized equipment for specific training areas.
  • Quality Management System:
    Providers must have a recognized quality management system in place to ensure that their educational offerings consistently meet high standards. Common standards include ISO 9001 or specific education quality frameworks such as LQW (Learner-Oriented Quality in Continuing Education).
  • Appointment of a Certified Body (§ 5 AZAV):
    The approval process requires the involvement of a certified body, accredited by the German Accreditation Body (DAkkS), to review the provider and its programs. This body conducts the certification process and ensures that the provider meets all legal requirements.

b) Requirements for Program Approval (AZAV)

Each program must undergo its own approval process. Educational providers are required to submit a detailed description of the program, outlining the learning objectives, curriculum, and structure.

  • Learning Objectives (§ 8 AZAV):
    The program must have clearly defined learning objectives aimed at improving participants' employment prospects. This ensures that the program delivers a tangible benefit to the participants.
  • Progress and Completion Monitoring:
    Providers must document how participants' learning progress will be assessed, through exams, practical exercises, or feedback sessions. The completion of the program must also be documented with certificates or other verifiable records.

3. Challenges for Educational Providers in the Approval Process

The AZAV approval process can be challenging due to its strict requirements, demanding thorough preparation and continuous documentation.


a. Documentation Requirements:

One of the most significant challenges related to AZAV certification is the extensive documentation. Providers must ensure that all necessary records and reports are maintained properly, particularly with regard to:

  • Participant Lists and Data: Every program requires precise management of participant information, including attendance records, performance assessments, and progress reports.
  • Performance Documentation: Providers must track and document the learning achievements of participants, such as exams, evaluations, and certificates.
  • Reports for the Employment Agency: Regular reports on program progress and outcomes must be submitted to the Federal Employment Agency for billing purposes.

b. Quality Assurance

AZAV requires providers to implement a comprehensive quality assurance system. This not only involves regularly evaluating the programs but also continuously improving the institution as a whole.

  • Internal Audits: Providers must conduct regular internal audits to ensure that all processes and procedures comply with AZAV requirements. This requires continuous adaptation and improvement of internal structures and program quality.
  • External Audits: At least once a year, an external audit is conducted by the certified body to review compliance with quality standards.

c. Participant Management and Communication:

Managing participant data becomes increasingly complex with larger programs or higher participant numbers. This includes carefully managing participant lists, attendance records, certificates, and feedback forms. Additionally, providers must ensure effective communication with participants and maintain a professional relationship with the Employment Agency.

4. Advantages of Seminar Management Software for Funded Training Programs

Specialized seminar management software offers significant advantages to educational providers when it comes to meeting AZAV requirements and managing funded programs.



  • a. Automation and Increased Efficiency:
    Administrative tasks such as creating participant lists, planning programs, and billing with the Employment Agency can be automated, significantly reducing manual effort. This minimizes errors and increases administrative efficiency.
  • b. Integration of Certification Requirements:
    The software can be configured to track and meet the specific documentation requirements of AZAV. This makes it easier to monitor compliance and ensures that all necessary documents are always up-to-date.
  • c. Participant Management:
    Modern management software provides a comprehensive overview of participants' progress, including attendance, performance, and individual participant profiles, which can be shared with the Employment Agency when required.
  • d. Transparency and Traceability:
    Specialized software ensures that all relevant data and processes are fully traceable. This is particularly useful during audits, as all required information can be provided instantly.

5. Certifications and Audits: How Software Simplifies the Process

Certification and audit processes are demanding and require complete documentation. Specialized software solutions can assist educational providers in several key ways:

Professional Software

a. Support for Provider & Program Certification:

The software can help manage and update all necessary documents for both provider and program certification, ensuring that the provider remains audit-ready.

b. Audit Preparation:

During audits, all relevant data must be available quickly and easily. A good software system ensures that reports, participant lists, certificates, and other documentation are stored securely and can be retrieved at any time.

6. Legal Compliance and Data Protection

Data protection and legal compliance are critical issues for educational providers. Specialized software ensures these requirements are met.


a. Data Protection Regulations (GDPR Compliance):

Software that complies with GDPR protects sensitive participant data, ensuring that it is only accessible to authorized individuals. The storage and processing of participant data must always comply with legal requirements, especially when working with public funding.

b. Audit-Proof and Traceable Data:

All data must be stored in a way that ensures auditability, so that it is always clear who accessed which information and when changes were made. This audit-proof storage is essential not only for external audits but also for internal quality control.

7. Conclusion: How Specialized Software Supports Government-Funded Training Programs

A Specialized Training Management Solution is indispensable for educational providers offering government-funded training programs. They streamline the certification process, simplify documentation, and help meet the complex administrative requirements of AZAV.

With such solutions, you can save time and resources while improving the quality and efficiency of your training programs. 

8. Checklist: Important Functions of Seminar Management Software

1. Certification Management

  • Document Management: Ability to securely store and manage all required certification documents.
  • Reminder Function: Automatic notifications for upcoming certification renewals or audits.

2. Participant Management

  • Data Management: Capture and manage all participant data, including contact information and progress tracking.
  • Attendance Tracking: Automated attendance lists for documentation and billing purposes.
  • Certificate Generation: Automated creation of participation certificates and acknowledgments.

3. Program Documentation

  • Course Management: Management of course content, curricula, and learning objectives for all offered programs.
  • Performance Assessment: Tools for evaluating and documenting participants' learning progress.

4. Billing Functions

  • Invoicing: Automated generation and sending of invoices to the Employment Agency or other entities.
  • Financial Reporting: Comprehensive reporting tools to monitor revenues and expenses.

5. Reporting and Analytics

  • Real-Time Data Analysis: Dashboards for analyzing participant numbers, success rates, and program performance.
  • Reporting Tools: Ability to generate reports for the Employment Agency and other institutions.

6. Integration of Funding Programs

  • Voucher Management: Administration and documentation of education vouchers and other funding programs.
  • Interfaces to Authorities: Integration with Employment Agency systems for automatic data submission.

7. Quality Assurance

  • Feedback System: Capability to collect participant feedback for continuous improvement.
  • Audit Documentation: Tools to support internal and external audits by providing all necessary documents.

8. Data Protection and Security

  • GDPR Compliance: Ensure that all personal data is processed according to data protection regulations.
  • Access Rights: Management of user permissions to ensure that only authorized individuals have access to sensitive data.

9. User-Friendliness

  • Intuitive User Interface: Easy navigation and usability for administrative and participant data.
  • Mobile Accessibility: Access to the software from various devices (PC, tablet, smartphone).

10. Support and Training

  • Customer Support: Availability of technical support and training materials.
  • Webinars and Tutorials: Provision of training for optimal software utilization.

This checklist helps training providers select suitable seminar management software to effectively meet the requirements of government-funded training programs and optimize their processes.

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