Efficiently Compile and Manage LMS Specifications

How to Create an LMS Requirement Specification: The Importance of Defining Your Needs

Selecting and implementing a Learning Management System (LMS) is a significant step for educational institutions and businesses aiming to deliver digital learning content. To ensure that an LMS aligns with individual needs and goals, it is crucial to create a comprehensive requirement specification. In this article, we will explain why it is essential to understand your own requirements and how to identify functional and non-functional requirements. Additionally, we will provide examples of these requirements for LMS aspects like Learning Platform, Seminar Management, and Learning Portals.

The Scope of an LMS-Requirement Specification

An LMS requirement specification is a document that outlines the requirements and expectations for a learning management system. It serves as a guideline for selecting the right LMS provider and ensures a smooth implementation. Here are some reasons why creating an LMS requirement specification is of paramount importance:

Defining LMS Requirments

1. Tailoring to Individual Needs

Every organization has unique requirements for an LMS. A requirement specification allows you to define these requirements clearly and ensures that the selected LMS meets them.

2. Accounting for Future Requirements

The educational landscape and demands on learning systems are constantly evolving. A requirement specification can also account for future developments and requirements, ensuring the long-term relevance of the LMS.

3. Cost Efficiency

A requirement specification prevents unnecessary expenditures by refining the selection of an LMS and minimizing the risk of misinvestments.

Balancing High Level of Detail and Flexibility

The selection of a Learning Management System (LMS) is a complex task that requires careful planning and a clear vision. A crucial step towards the successful implementation of an LMS project is the creation of a requirements specification. This document outlines the project's requirements and goals, serving as the foundation for collaboration with potential vendors. When creating a requirements specification for an LMS, we face an important decision: finding the right balance between the level of detail and flexibility.

High Level of Detail

Functional requirements describe the specific functions and features that the LMS must provide. They are typically measurable and technically implementable.

Necessary Flexibility

While a high level of detail is important, it is equally crucial to incorporate sufficient flexibility into the requirements specification. Why? Because LMS technologies and methods are constantly evolving. What is considered best practice today may become obsolete tomorrow. Therefore, you should allow vendors room to propose innovative solutions. This requires some openness to new ideas and a process for evaluating these proposals.

Finding the Middle Ground:

To strike the right balance between detail and flexibility, focus on some best practices:

  1. Define Clear Core Requirements: Specify the core requirements and main objectives of your LMS in detail. This forms the basis of the project and should be as detailed as possible.

  2. Allow Room for Innovation: Encourage vendors to suggest innovative solutions. Give them the opportunity to propose the technologies and methods that could best align with your goals.

  3. Establish Evaluation Criteria: Set clear criteria for evaluating vendor proposals. This can include both technical and financial criteria.

  4. Regular Communication: Keep the communication channel open with vendors. Discuss questions and ideas regularly to ensure you are on the same page regarding the project's direction and potential innovations.


Functional vs. Non-Functional LMS Requirements

When creating an LMS requirement specification, it is important to distinguish between functional and non-functional requirements.

Functional Requirements

Functional requirements describe the specific functions and features that the LMS must provide. They are typically measurable and technically implementable.

Non-functional Requirements

Non-functional requirements, on the other hand, pertain to quality attributes of the system and its performance capabilities. These requirements are often more challenging to quantify and can be subjective in nature.

Requirements for LMS-Components


A Learning Management System consists of various components.

It is advisable to create a separate requirement catalog for each subsystem. For example, it is typically not necessary for the central LMS administration to be accessible on a mobile device for planning complex training programs. In the case of a learning platform, mobile compatibility can indeed play a relevant role.

Below, you'll find examples of functional and non-functional requirements for LMS aspects such as the Learning Platform, Seminar Management, and Learning Portals:

Learning Platform

Functional Requirements

  • User registration
  • Course management
  • Assessment and exam features
  • Integration of multimedia content
  • Communication tools
  • Progress tracking
  • Reporting and analytics
  • Interactive learning materials

Non-Functional Requirements

  • User-friendly user interface
  • High scalability
  • Good performance under load
  • Data privacy and security
  • Multilingual support
  • Accessibility
  • High availability
  • System maintenance and support

Seminar Management

Functional Requirements

  • Scheduling and room reservation
  • Attendance tracking and participant management
  • Online and in-person seminars
  • Participant evaluation
  • Resource management
  • Automated notifications
  • Budget management
  • Integration of video conferencing tools

Non-Functional Requirements

  • Fast response times
  • Reliable data backup
  • Scalability with increasing user numbers
  • User-friendly interface
  • Data security and integrity
  • Rapid error response times
  • Support for various browsers
  • Compliance with data protection regulations

Learning Portals

Functional Requirements

  • Personalized learning content
  • Qualification status
  • Approval Workflows
  • Mobile app support
  • Integration of external resources
  • Reporting
  • Content library

Non-Functional Requirements

  • High availability
  • Fast loading times
  • Scalability with user growth
  • Security and data privacy
  • User-friendly navigation
  • Accessibility
  • Data security and integrity

Describing Requirements

Precisely formulating requirements is crucial to ensure that they are understandable, unambiguous, and actionable. Here are some best practices for accurately formulating requirements:





1. Use Clear and Precise Language

Requirements should be written in clear and precise language to avoid misunderstandings. Avoid vague terms like "fast" or "user-friendly." Instead, specify specific criteria, such as "pages must load in less than 2 seconds" or "the user interface must be intuitive and easy to navigate."

2. Use Measurable Criteria

Requirements should include measurable criteria against which their fulfillment can be verified. This may involve specifying timeframes, quantities, quality levels, or other quantifiable metrics. For example, "The system must support 1000 users simultaneously" or "The error rate must not exceed 1%."

3. Be Specific and Detailed

The more detailed and specific the requirements, the easier it is for developers to implement them. Avoid general statements and ensure that each requirement is described unambiguously. For example, "The user interface must include a search function with autocomplete and filtering options by category and date."

4. Avoid Assumptions

It is essential to avoid assumptions in requirements. Ensure that each requirement can be understood independently and without prior assumptions. If you have specific conditions or prerequisites, explicitly state them in the requirements.

5. Use a Consistent Structure

To improve readability and traceability, it is helpful to use a consistent structure for requirements. This could involve numbering or labeling requirements to enable their unique identification.

6. Consider Constraints

In addition to the main requirements, also consider constraints. These may include limitations, restrictions, or special conditions under which the requirements apply. For example, "The system must work on the most common web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge)."

7. Include Verification and Validation

Remember that each requirement must be verified and validated to ensure proper fulfillment. Specify how verification will occur, whether through testing, inspections, or other means.

By adhering to these best practices when formulating requirements, you can avoid misunderstandings, reduce development time, and increase the likelihood that the final LMS meets expectations. Clear and precise requirement formulation is a fundamental step toward the successful implementation of a Learning Management System.


Step-by-Step: Analyzing Requirements

The requirement analysis for an LMS specification can be carried out in several steps:

  1. Stakeholder Identification: Identify all involved parties who could have requirements for the LMS, including learners, instructors, administrators, and IT teams.

  2. Requirement Gathering: Engage with stakeholders and collect their requirements related to functionality, performance, security, and user-friendliness.

  3. Prioritization: Assign priorities to the requirements to determine which ones are essential and which are less critical.

  4. Documentation: Create a structured document containing all identified requirements and categorize them into functional and non-functional requirements.

  5. Validation: Ensure that the gathered requirements are realistic and achievable, and validate them with stakeholders.

  6. Updating: Consider changes in requirements over time and keep your specification up to date.



Creating an LMS specification is a critical step in the selection and implementation of a Learning Management System. It ensures that the chosen LMS meets the specific needs of the organization and is adaptable to future developments. Distinguishing between functional and non-functional requirements enables a precise definition of system requirements. A careful requirement analysis, encompassing the steps of identification, gathering, prioritization, documentation, validation, and updating, forms the foundation for success in choosing and implementing an LMS.

Keep an open mind during your selection process and gather ideas and suggestions when vendors are sharing their expertise and experience with you. Enhance and update your requireents catalogue with new information.



Compile Your Comprehensive LMS-Profile now

We offer you over 25 years of experience specializing in Learning Management to help you put together the essential aspects as comprehensively and straightforwardly as possible.

Free Consultancy Service Compile Specifications


The initial step in choosing an LMS involves compiling a comprehensive list of your requirements. Based on this profile you create your set of requirements (specification sheet / RFI), which will then be sent to LMS manufacturers for their responses.

Our questionnaire currently covers of over 90 questions. We recommend allocating a duration of 30 to 45 minutes for completing it. We will send you your compilation of requirements to the email address you provide on the next business day.

The questionnaire for compiling your LMS-requirements is available in German language only. You will be forwarded to an external survey tool.

Your quick alternative: Find out immediately, if TCmanager® LMS would be a possibility for you.

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